Golden Peacock National Quality Award (GPNQA) |
Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat (GPAS) has great pleasure in inviting applications for Golden Peacock National Quality Award. National Quality Award Scheme was instituted by the Institute Of Directors in February 1991 to encourage Total Quality improvements in both manufacturing as well as service organizations in India including :
1. Public and private undertakings 2. All sectors of industry, service and commerce 3. Government and Semi-Government departments 4. Trade and professional associations 5. Educational, Healthcare and Hospitality Research Establishments
GPNQ Awards are presented to organizations in different sectors adjudged to have made the most significant achievement in the field of Total Quality.
Golden Peacock National Quality Award stimulates and helps organizations to rapidly accelerate the pace of customer-oriented improvement process. It is a powerful self-assessment process and a way to build an organizations’ brand equity on QUALITY. The preparation for the award helps to inspire and align the entire work force and management functions. The knowledge gained by the organization in describing and self-assessing its operations lead to IMPROVED organizational performance.
Application Fees Large & Small and Medium Enterprises Rs. 43,500/- + 15% Service Tax as applicable.
All entries should be addressed to:
The Director General Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat Institute Of Directors M-56 A, Greater Kailash – II (Market), New Delhi - 110 048 Phone: 41636294, 41636716-17, Fax: 91-11- 41008705 E-mail:
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